Ghothan decided to take the initiative and search for water. Before setting out to explore, he packed provisions of bread, dates and enough water to last him several days. He chose the strongest and most patient camels for the journey. He fed and watered them and then he strapped empty water skins to their flanks. He took along a bucket with a long rope attached and went determinedly on his way.
قرر غوثان أن يبحث عن الماء. حمل زوادة من الخبز والتمر والماء تكفيه عدة أيام، واختار من الإبل أقواها وأصبرها، فأطعمها، وسقاها، ثم حمّلها بكثير من قِرَبِ الماء الفارغة، وحمل دلواً مربوطاً بحبل طويل، وانطلق بعزم وتصميم.